
Showing posts from January 30, 2014

I have to give it all?

Like many young, unmarried women, I think about the day when I get to meet and marry the one God has made for me.  I was laying in bed one night and thinking about the possibility of getting married when it hit me:   it is silly to want to be married just for the sake of being married.   Do I believe that God created us with a desire to be one with another?  Absolutely.  Remember: He made Eve for Adam.  God saw that it wasn't good for man to be alone ( Genesis 2:18 ) so He made Eve.  I have been created for man - not all men, mind you, but for one man - my future husband. As the days and years go by it gets harder and harder to imagine being a wife and mother, and yet, with each passing year the desire becomes more intense.  The flame burns brighter.  I think about him (my future husband) more.  I catch myself thinking about possible future children; who they would look like, etc.  I do think these things.  However,...