
Showing posts from August, 2012

Part 2 of my journey

I've always been an active person, therefore I've always enjoyed working out. In my last post I said that I used a workout program called "Slim n 6" with which I lost some weight. I stopped using that program when it became too easy and when I became bored. So my sister and I got some new DVDs with different types of exercising and we began working out every morning at about 6:30. We did this 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday). The type of exercising we did was anywhere from ballet, kickboxing, to pilate's (we would do about 10 to 20 minutes a day), and on our "off" days we would work out our arms. Things like push-ups, tricep extensions, and kick backs.  At this point in my journey I kind of "figured" out what was giving me stomachaches so I felt like I had some weight lifted off my shoulders, and with that I shifted my focus over to why I was having a hard time getting rid of the "last 5 pounds" and gaining the flat ...

Still new

Okay, so I am still new to this blogging so I apologize for the many different types of fonts and colors! Be for warned: It may happen a lot! :p That's just me. I mean if you knew me, you'd know that I sometimes change clothes 3 times a day! I don't do that all  the time, but there are days that I do. So please bare with me. :p

Part 1 of my story and how it all began

The year I started to get into shape was 2006. I was 17 years old and I hated the way I looked and the way I felt about myself. I slowly started taking notes from my mother; how she ate and how she was exercising. Watching her I decided to "take matters into my own hands". I did. Since I love food (Hey, I'm Italian! Of course I'm gonna love food), cutting out white bread, pasta and white sugars (ice creams, cakes and cookies) was very hard, especially during the holiday's! But I think what made it a little bit easier for me was the fact that I wanted change. I wanted to feel - and yes - I wanted to look better. So I stuck to whole grains, 2% milk, egg whites, very little butter, light cheeses, fruits and veggies. I started a workout program ("Slim in 6") in January of 2006 and by April of that year I lost about 15 pounds. I went from a size 14-12 to a 10! I can't begin to tell you how happy I was! I felt GREAT! Things were looking so much better for...


Hi everyone, and welcome to my little spot on the world-wide-web! I've been through an interesting journey concerning food and my spiritual-well being, and I would love to share it with you, along with some recipes, tips, spiritual encouragement and my prayer is that the things I post will encourage you in your own journey concerning food as well as your faith. God bless and please stay tooned for the story!