Good Things

There is a lot of good and wonderful things taking place within our household. For one, my little sister is getting married. *cue the dancing, and joyous celebrating* Have I neglected to mention that? I guess I have! Well ladies and gents, believe it because it's true! My 5k running buddy is getting married in just a few short weeks. Also, would you believe that this will be the SECOND wedding for our family within this year? But wait! there's more. Not only will there have been two weddings in 2022, but we have also had TWO babies born into our family as well. Little Charlotte was born in the beginning of April to my oldest brother Joseph and his wife, Emily. Then Tirzah came into the world in the beginning of September. Her parents are my second brother Timothy and his wife, Alissa. This brings the total of grand babies to EIGHT! Eight = new beginnings. In March my youngest brother, Andrew, got married to ...