Natural hair-dye

Back in the beginning of this year I wanted to dye my hair. I did NOT want to use the kind one buys at the store knowing full well that they are packed with unknown chemicals, such as (I couldn't seem to find any listed ingredients for Revlon or Garnier): *Ethanolamine Propylene Glycol Hexylene Glycol Resorcinol - I read that this stuff is dangerous Toluene 2,5 Diamine That's just to name a few of the unknown ingredients. Note: It was my choice NOT to choose a store-bought, brand name hair dye. Personally, I don't like them. Plus, they give me really bad headaches, and I get mini migraines. No, thank you! I wanted to go 100% all-natural. I don't even remember where I got the recipe for the kind I'm using but I think this is how it goes: Walnut shells - I used about 1/4 cup Ground cloves - I don't even remember how much I used here; maybe 1 teaspoon?? Bay leaf - used just one Cinnamon stick - again, I used j...