Sunshine Award!

I was tagged in the Sunshine Award by the lovely Heidi over at her blog, Along the Brandywire: A Bit of All the Rest. I may sound like a real geek, but I love these kinds of things; the questions, the answers, every thing about them just makes me smile. :-) So, here are my questions and answers. :-) 1. If you could time travel, would you rather visit medieval England or 1800's Paris? I would have to say Paris in the 1800's. I'd love to just walk around and observe the fashion and buildings. 2. For relaxation: G.K. Chesterton, C.S. Lewis, or neither? Well, seeing as how I've never read any of G.K. Chesterton's work, I'm gonna go with C.S. Lewis. I think even if I knew who G.K. Chesterton was, I'd still pick C.S. Lewis because he's one of my favorites. 3. Do you enjoy pie baking? Do you have a favorite kind (apple, cherry, etc.)? I love to bake, but I'm actually not a big fan of pies. ...