A very warm story.

I mentioned in this post that I had just gotten back from a trip with a humors story (at least I thought it to be a humors) that had to do with this lovely summer heat (note: I said that in a sarcastic tone). My mom, sister and myself got to go to our grandfather's house - we do this yearly to check on things - and we were informed by the air guy that we are really low on Freon ( "an aerosol propellant, refrigerant, or organic solvent consisting of one or more of a group of chlorofluorocarbons and related compounds." ). Air Guy said that we were going to have to change out the entire unit but he needed another guy to help him and wasn't going to get it done until the next day. We agreed to see him the next day. "This works out better" we said to once he left. "We can spend today day shopping and such; come back, make dinner and relax." We did all of those things, expect the last part. ...