Ring Around the Rose - a accidental skip

While looking through other's answers to the Ring Around the Rose questions, I realized that I skipped a question! Oops. Oh wells, here's to playing catch-up. :) The question is: What famous author(s) do you feel your writing is most similar to, and why? AND/OR What author do you wish you wrote the most like? Well to answer the first question, I'm not 100% sure. I have a tendency to compare my writing (or lack thereof) to two authors that I really admire: Elizabeth Gaskell and C.S. Lewis. Mrs. Gaskell for her eloquence and demand of the English langue, and Mr. Lewis for his wide and vivid imagination. If I had to chose whom I wrote like, I would pick Mr. Lewis only because his work had double meaning. In the Narnia books, you can see, almost feel, the point of Christianity he is trying to get across. If I could be like that and have my work reflect the light of Christ, then that would be the greatest way of writing. I've not read all the boo...