Literary Heroine Blog Party

Hey ya'll, If you've been following my blogging, then you would have read/seen this post . Here are (as promised) my answers to these Questions . :-) Have fun reading through them; there are a lot! 1. Introduce yourself! Divulge your life's vision, likes, dislikes, aspirations, or something completely random! Hi! My name is Sarah - though, "could you please call me Cordelia?" I enjoy baking, crocheting, knitting, running (though I'm not really that fast), dancing ( "even when one's partner is barely tolerable." ), teaching Sunday school (this truly is a JOY), spending time with my family, and READING! Something random? I've always wanted a cool, clever nick-name. But with my name, one never really stuck. My life vision? The highest calling of honor there is - to be wife and mother. If you know me at all, then you know that I quote Anne of Green Gables and Pride &...