Hearing what I see

As of right *now my left ear is clogged. So much so that I cannot hear out of it. This has happened to me many times before - it always does when I get off track with my eating. Sounds weird, I know, but it's 100% true. I read somewhere that ear-clogging can have a lot to do with your overall health and or diet. I wish I could find the article so that I could share it with you, but it seems to have disappeared from the web. But basically it said that when are bodies start eating the things that it's not used to (for me it's too much natural sugar), we'll have an excess of earwax that builds up and can cause ear clogging. This happens to be true for me, and may not be the case for you. Consult your doctor or healthcare provider if you have any questions. If there's one thing I don't like, it's the inability to hear properly. I find myself pleading with God to grant my hearing back; quickly so that I can get back to a "normal" life. ...