My Labor Day Day

So, before I share what I did this Labor Day I have to first share that I don't have the best history with large bodies of water - or any size of water for that matter. It seems that with almost every trip to a pond, lake, ocean, river, or spring, something "bad" happens. I've either almost drowned, been swept out to sea, or been caught in a monsoon amount of rain with a thunder storm (and I'm sure there's more incidences that I can't recall at the moment). On Sunday after church, a very sweet family invited us to go canoeing/kayaking with them the next day, Labor Day. It was decided that we were going to Holmes Creek in Vernon Florida, to which we (my brother and two sisters) had never been before. We loaded up the cars and headed out. Naturally with this trip I was a little skeptical because of all my other trips to large bodies of water that didn't go too well, so I just prayed for safety and a good time. O how good He is! So we get there...