Modesty - E.E.

I recently read this quote by Elisabeth Elliot on modesty. It was so encouraging that I thought I would share it here. I know, I know, even the word modesty gets a bad rep. The topic of modesty has become so polluted that it's hard to discuss it without the conversation becoming heated. My whole purpose in sharing this quote is to encourage and provoke us ladies to think. To question why we put on what we put on. I myself have been convicted in this area of my life recently and it has caused me to question why I chose to wear what I wear. "Let’s think first what immodesty says about us women before we talk about what its effects may be upon others. What are your Christian standards? Do you seek to be noticed, to make a splash when you come into a room? Or do you seek to be simple, humble, gentle and quiet in spirit and not wearing the very latest fashions nor looking frumpy by wearing something that’s way out of date. We do have to conform to a ...