
Showing posts from April 24, 2014

"Say that again, I can't hear You"

If your ears have ever been clogged then you'll understand the discomfort of it all.  My ears just so happen to clog once or twice a month - sometimes more.  Ugh!  It can be such a pain! I have a hard time hearing enough as it is (that's a long story that involves a volley-ball hitting me on one side of my face...oh wait, I just told the story...tehehe).    When these things happen I become very frustrated.  Why? Well, because I like hearing things! Like any person, I like to listen to the sound of things.  Especially the sound of running water!  Like a river, that sound.  I LOVE it!   This brought a new thought/question:  how well am I listening to God  and His Word?  Or am I listening to it at all; taking any of what He is  telling me though His Word to heart and applying to my life?  I think sometimes God uses certain situations that force us to wake up and realize.  I'm not saying that Go...