"The Seventh Door" book review

I am quite excited about telling ya'll about these books because I have been reading them for almost 10 years - wow, okay I just felt REALLY old! My sister Emily found these books through the CBD catalog; ordered them and almost instantly they became a favorite. The first series by Bryan Davis is called "Dragons in our Midst". The names in order are: book (1) Raising Dragons; book (2) The Candlestone; book (3) Circles of Seven; and book (4) Tears of a Dragon. My favorite out of DIOM series: The Candelstone. After these books there is another series, "Oracles of Fire". The order they go in this: book (1) Eye of the Oracle; book (2) Enoch's Ghost; book (3) Last of the Nephilim; and book (4) The Bones of Makaidos. My favorite out of OOF series: the first and last books (Eye of the Oracle and The Bones of Makaidos). Now the last series is called "The Children of the Bard". These books, in order, are: book (1) Song of the Ovulum; ...