Snow, New Mexico, and the Grand Canyon {Part 1}

I feel like every time I want to get back into being "normal" with my blogging, life happens and it throughs me for a loop! Since my last post, lots has happened. I am an aunt again (can't remember if I told you that or not, ha!), I visited two new states (New Mexico and Arizona), saw the Grand Canyon, saw snow, stayed at a beautiful camp in Arizona, met amazing people, and became certified to teach yoga with Holy Yoga ! Finally, I am here, writing out a fun new post for you to enjoy (I hope). If I had a word to describe my time out west, it would be breathtaking. E very little "new" thing that my eyes beheld, simply took me aback with its beauty - God's beauty that He sprinkled on with such delicate and thoughtful manner. I took so many pictures (and not nearly as many as I had intended) that this post had to be split into two (maybe even three) parts! So make yourself a cup tea (or coffee), sit back and enjoy this little getaway. Enjoy, m...