Sit Still

"Sit still, my daughter, until thou know how the matter will fall: for the man will not be in rest, until he have finished the thing this day." Ruth 3:18 I came across this passage while reading through the book of Ruth this past week and thought it appropriate to not only share, but to encourage others who may be in a similar season. Being the introvert that I am, I don't mind to be alone or being quiet. But the topic of sitting still is a whole other requirement that I am not very good at...especially in this particular moment of my life. I really want to know certain things: the ending to be more specific. Not to sound dramatic with that word choice "ending", but don't you think it'd be great to know if something is going to work out or not? To my shame, that exact thought has been running through my head as I have been reading my Bible lately. So, as I sat down and began to read/listen through the book of Ruth, my eyes stopped on verse 18 of chapte...