2015 The Literary Heroine Blog Party

Good morning, blog family! I am SO happy to share the questions to Kellie's fun, and creative blog party! I did this last year, and if you would like to read my answers, please click here . <<<---Don't you just love this part in the movie? I cry every time! :p I am composing/answering these questions with what read in 2014. Next year it'll be with what I've read this year. :) Here are the questions and my answers. :) Enjoy! 1. Introduce yourself! Divulge your life's vision, likes dislikes, aspirations, or something completely random! Well hello! My name is Sarah and this is my second year attending Kellie's online party. The first year was SO much fun I just had to come back for more! My life's vision is to honor and glorify my Savoir and King with everything that I say, think and do. As I pray that part of God's will for me will include marriage and ch...