Top Ten Tuesday - Books from My Childhood I'd Love to Revisit

Heidi, I love this idea and the answers you put down. I do hope you don't think I'm coping you! Okay, so the idea of this post is to share the top ten books from your childhood that you'd love to go back to and visit. :) My Top Ten are: 1. Henry and the Great Society by H. L. Roush - my mother and father read this book to us when we were little and we loved it! Then as I became older, I deiced to read it to my younger sisters as a part of homeschooling - they loved it and begged us not to stop reading! But not only is it a good story, the message is even better. 2. The Chronicles of Narnia by none other than C.S. Lewis - need I say more? These books taught me how to use my imagination and take joy in the adventure! 3. Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder - something about these stories filled me with such happiness and wonder! Confession: I wanted to marry Pa Ingalls. There was something wonderful ...