A (late) note of Thanks

I realized that I never did a post about Thanksgiving! Oh dear, oh dear. Well, I guess it's better to be than to not be at all, right? :p Thanksgiving. Something we should be doing every single day is giving thanks to God for His continued mercies ( not getting what we deserve ) upon His people. Our day of Thanks was long; hard, full of cooking, tons of baking, roasting, cutting and serving, but! it was a good day to rest in knowing that God has given us more than we could ever ask for: His Son Jesus Christ to die for our every sin. Isn't that what we should be thanking Him for every single day of our lives here on earth? I am reminded of a song that we sing in church every once in a while, Be Ye Glad. Have you ever sung it, or heard of it for that matter? In these days of confused situations. In these nights of a restless remorse, When the heart and the soul of the nation, lay wounded and cold as a corpse. From the grave o...