Kneading prayer

Not long ago, my mother shared a beautiful way she would pray for people. But before I share her "trick", I wanted to share one. Have any of you every heard of the washing-prayer method? Someone told me about it long ago and I thought it was a beautiful way to pray for someone. Instead of complaining that there are many dishes to wash, be thankful that you even have dishes to wash - that means you have food, which is more than some can say. When I heard that, I thought it a beautiful way to remember prayer! But then I got to thinking, along with being thankful and instead of complaining, why not pray for someone you know (or don't know) with each dish that passes though the soapy suds? After telling my mother this, she told me what she would do. If you know anything about the women in my family, it is that we LOVE to cook and bake. Part of that, I think, comes from our heritage (German and Italian). For me, baking is, and can be, ...