Modesty - a post that's been simmering {part 2}

I posted this last week and I wanted to do a follow-up on part 2. I wanted to ask this question and see if any of y'all can help me understand the answer - for I am having a hard time finding one: Why do some women of faith feel the need to push the line when it comes to dressing modestly? (bikinis, tight pants, peek-a-boo dresses, etc.) Some definitions of the word modest (according to Google): :not too proud or confident about yourself or your abilities :not showing of feeling great or excessive pride of clothing: not showing too much of a person's body - okay, why then, do some of you parade around in 'naught but your skin? I have this letter that I wanted to share - mind you I made the whole thing up, so none of it's real. I just thought that maybe this would be an easier way to start the conversation. Dearest friend; Thank you so very much for your sweet letter! Yes, all the chil...