Humbled by sores

You may be thinking that the name of this post sounds really odd...but it isn't. A few weeks two "little" sores popped up in my mouth (one on the left side of my mouth and the other on the right side of my tongue. Not the best places, I know!). At first they didn't hurt, but then as the days past, they slowly began to hurt. Like a lot. I battled the little rebels for almost a whole week. I had a hard time talking - and if you know me then you know that I am a talkative person! I felt like I was being deprived. One of the ways I feel connected to others is through communication. And yes, I tend to be very dramatic - just ask any of my family members and they'll tell you. *winks* Not talking isn't that bad, but to me it was. If any of you (my 4 blog flowers :p) have ever gotten sores in your mouth, and they were so bad that you weren't able to speak, then you know just what I'm talking about. I...