A very warm story.

I mentioned in this post that I had just gotten back from a trip with a humors story (at least I thought it to be a humors) that had to do with this lovely summer heat (note: I said that in a sarcastic tone).  

My mom, sister and myself got to go to our grandfather's house - we do this yearly to check on things - and we were informed by the air guy that we are really low on Freon ("an aerosol propellant, refrigerant, or organic solvent consisting of one or more of a group of chlorofluorocarbons and related compounds.").

Air Guy said that we were going to have to change out the entire unit but he needed another guy to help him and wasn't going to get it done until the next day.  We agreed to see him the next day.
"This works out better"  we said to once he left.  "We can spend today day shopping and such; come back, make dinner and  relax."  We did all of those things, expect the last part. 

This is pretty much how we felt.
When we got home that evening (with two fans and knowing we were going to need them but not as badly as we actually did) the house was warmer than we expected.  Still we made ourselves at home as best as we could considering.  I made dinner; we all ate diner outside (which wasn't too bad), then cleaned everything up; we did this all with sweat dripping down our faces...it wasn't pleasant.  Let's put it this way: I was so hot my ankles were sweating!

The fans only helped to circulate the HOT air.  Ugh! It wasn't funny at the time but now that I think about it it really is funny!  One of the things we did to try and keep ourselves cool was by taking hand towels and wash cloths, soaking them and then put them in the freezer.  Ahh - such cool relief!!  They soon became room (or body) temperature and back in they went to the freezer!  Then to make it even better we put our pillows in the freezer to lay our heads on. 
At one point I fell "asleep" then woke up thinking it must be near dawn; I looked at my iPod and the clock read only 10:-something!  I thought for sure that I wasn't seeing right.  "It's gotta be almost morning." 
Nope, not even close. 

The night dragged on.  Somewhere around 11:40 we decided to take a drive and try and cool off - I'm not kidding, we just wanted to use the air conditioning in the car!  We drove around for about an hour then went back into the belly of the beast or oven, whichever you want to call it. :-p

"Joy cometh in the morning" and thank the good Lord it does because when the sun rose I couldn't have been more happier!  I woke up extra early that morning - seeing as how I was already up.  I even went to the window at 5-something to see if there was any light coming in.

We did end up having a good nice time - I just think that the beginning of the trip kinda set the tone for the rest of our visit. :-/  You ever have that?

I hope that you all enjoy this day and weekend coming up - thank the Lord it's Friday!!


Oh, please enjoy some pictures I took...

Here are some pictures of our travels. :-)

Time to get on the road. Yes, that's AM.
"From the rising of the sun unto the going
down...the LORD's name is to be praised."
Psalm 113:3

My breakfast - which was quite good. :-)
I had some homemade turkey sausage with 
greens and a blueberry Lara Bar.

"Where does the road end?"
Whenever we see this we know we are getting close.

Enjoying the cool breeze that 
God has to offer.

Yes, these did make it home and 
I promises, I didn't eat any! 

Out to lunch. 

Not the best thing to see before you eat lunch. 

My sister's meal - which smelled amazing!

My meal - which was very good. :-)

Okay, so this was after we had lunch and we were shopping
in Whole Foods. This was the first thing I saw and had to take a picture
of it. Amazing looking, right?

I'm weird, I take pictures of bags of bread.

Well hi!

There's so much!

I've never heard of this brand before...looks good.

This. Right here, was the hardest thing
to walk away from. I am at a point in my health journey where

 I must be off all sugars...yes, that means
none of these amazing flavors that stores NEVER
carry in near me, made it home, or into my tummy.
*slowly walks away with head down*

"This should be enough for 3 people, right?"
What can I say, I'm Italian.

Preparing our dinner.
I didn't take a picture of the end result because
of the heat in the house.
When I tell you it was an oven it was like an oven.

I must say though that our meal was very good!
We had turkey burgers with onions, peppers, garlic, 
mushrooms and an avocado, served on a bed of greens.
This was my breakfast the next morning:
That's coconut yogurt - which I love but didn't
really enjoy that morning because of the horrible night

of "sleep" I got.
This was my dinner after everything was all said and done.
I'm not supposed to be eating any kind of
carbs, but I just couldn't help myself with this!
I sweat SO much that day that I thought to myself

"Yeah, I'm gonna eat these!"

My sisters meal....she said it was even better than
her cheese-covered chicken.

After such a LONG day of doing pretty
much noting, that night at dinner
 we ladies hit it hard with the drinks...
just kidding! It was all unsweetened iced tea!
Don't worry, I didn't eat that amazingly delicious
bread either.  

At this point we were on our way home
and this was my lunch - which was SO good!
The roasted red peppers were amazing!
This was my sisters lunch that she said
was very good. It came with Italian potato
salad that I didn't get any pictures of - which she also said was delicous.
Now that I think of it, I didn't get any pictures of my
mothers meals...


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