Sunshine Award!

I was tagged in the Sunshine Award by the lovely Heidi over at her blog, Along the Brandywire: A Bit of All the Rest.

I may sound like a real geek, but I love these kinds of things; the questions, the answers, every thing about them just makes me smile. :-)

So, here are my questions and answers. :-)

1. If you could time travel, would you rather visit medieval England or 1800's Paris?
I would have to say Paris in the 1800's.  I'd love to just walk around and observe the fashion and buildings.

2. For relaxation: G.K. Chesterton, C.S. Lewis, or neither?
Well, seeing as how I've never read any of G.K. Chesterton's work, I'm gonna go with C.S. Lewis.  I think even if I knew who G.K. Chesterton was, I'd still pick C.S. Lewis because he's one of my favorites. 

3. Do you enjoy pie baking? Do you have a favorite kind (apple, cherry, etc.)?
I love to bake, but I'm actually not a big fan of pies. Don't get me wrong, I love a good slice of apple every now and then, and if I had to pick a favorite it would be blueberry pie -  my mama makes the best.
But then again peach blueberry is good...and I also like cobblers....OH wait!  I completely forgot about pumpkin pie!!  That's my favorite!!

4. A particular way God has blessed you in the past week?
God blesses me in so many big ways and everyday, I just don't take as much time as I should to thank Him for His little blessings.  But one way He has blessed me this week is with strength and deeper flexibility.  I've been doing this 30-day fitness challenge (actually it's my second time going through this) and it's helped me SO much.  If you're wanting to try it, click here.  

5. Something summery and wonderful (i.e. something you did or are planning to do, something you learned, somewhere you're planning to or have traveled) 
Well, this may not sound summery, but I've really enjoyed our turkeys this summer.  They have been such an interesting learning experience/project.  We started out with 6, but sadly one broke his wing and he had to be "taken care of" - but! he dressed out at 14 lbs!  That's a nice size bird. :-)  Here are a few pictures of our Broad-Breasted Bronze Toms, Poultra. 

This cutie is our one Bourbon Red, Hilts. 

My nominees are:

Stephanie at The Enchanting Rose
Laura at Gazing Wonders
Kalin at Modesty Is My Policy  

And here are your questions:

1. What one piece of clothing could you not live without?
2. Coffee, tea, water, or other?  Why?
3. Favorite Bible boy name; favorite Bible girl name:
4. Can you recall your earliest memory? If so, please share. If not, then just share a sweet memory.
5. A quote that has helped shape you as a Christian

Blessings in His Holy Name!


P.S. What you do is answer the questions in a blog post, then nominate friends to keep the "ball rolling".  It's good clean fun that anyone can enjoy.  


  1. Hi Sarah! Thank you so much for nominating me :) Sounds like fun and I will do my best to write a post soon...

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading your answers and your turkeys are amazing! My little nephew had two that he raised for the Fair and they were quite funny - they would follow my nephew everywhere :)

    Have a great day! Hugs

    1. Hi Stephanie!
      Sorry for this late response - I thought that I commented back yesterday but I guess it didn't go through. :-/

      Anyway, I am glad you enjoyed my answers! I've always like these kinds of blog-Q&A's. :-D And yes, the turkeys. They really are like little (well, I don't think "little" is the right word") dogs that follow you everywhere. It's great.

      Have a great day too!! God bless!

  2. I so enjoyed reading your answers, friend! Thanks so much for doing it. ;-) I love the fashion plate and architecture pics you put up!

    And hooray for stretching! I like doing Ballet Beautiful (an exercise program developed by Mary Helen Bowers), and even when I don't get to an actual daily routine I notice such a difference if I'm able to just get some stretching in. It feels so good, doesn't it?

    1. I am glad that you enjoyed reading my answers, Heidi! I think that that gonna be my trademark: sharing a picture with my answers. lol

      Yes, yes! I do LOVE to stretch! And ballet has been something I've always enjoyed doing - I actually wanted to be a ballet dancer for as long as I can remember, but alas I am too tall. ;-) The DVD I've used for years (Ballet Conditioning) is by a woman called Elise Gulan. It's really good, hard, but oh-so-worth it. :-)

  3. Sarah thank you so much for nominating me, your answers are lovely I really enjoyed reading them :) I'll try and make time during this weekend to post my answers (great questions !!)

    I am also a fan of blueberry / pumpkin pies and cobblers (anything that is sweet in particular) time traveling back in the 1800's IN PARIS great great selection, I did not know you practice YOGA yay me too (I am still a beginner) your turkeys are pretty love their colors glad you had a good learning experience from them.

    Hope you have a lovely afternoon.


    1. Hi Laura!
      You are more than welcome for the nomination! Thank you - I look forward to reading your answers. :-)

      Blueberry pie is amazingly delicious! Have you ever had peach-blueberry? It's even better! Yes, I do yoga. It's been fun and challenging, but good at the same time. What kind do you do?

      Have a great rest of the weekend!

  4. Sarah, thanks so much for nominating me! I'm a bit late to the party but hopefully I'll be able to get my post up by mid-week. Loved reading your answers! ♥

    1. Kalin, no worries! There's no real deadline for this award. It's just for fun and whenever you have time. :-) I'm looking forward to reading your answers. :-)


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