Kneading prayer

Not long ago, my mother shared a beautiful way she would pray for people.

But before I share her "trick", I wanted to share one.

Have any of you every heard of the washing-prayer method?  Someone told me about it long ago and I thought it was a beautiful way to pray for someone.
Instead of complaining that there are many dishes to wash, be thankful that you even have dishes to wash - that means you have food, which is more than some can say.  

When I heard that, I thought it a beautiful way to remember prayer!  But then I got to thinking, along with being thankful and instead of complaining, why not pray for someone you know (or don't know) with each dish that passes though the soapy suds?

After telling my mother this, she told me what she would do.

If you know anything about the women in my family, it is that we LOVE to cook and bake.  Part of that, I think, comes from our heritage (German and Italian).  For me, baking is, and can be, a form of therapy.  It relieves stress build-ups and tension; and it's also very calming.  Well, for me that is.  But it can also be a way to pray.  

I remember coming in from playing outside when I was young and there would be my mother, gently kneading bread dough on our table or kitchen counter (mostly I remember it being the table).  This was almost a daily task I saw her doing.

It wasn't until I was older that she explained what she would do while kneading the dough.  She would pray; she would pray for those whom God put on her heart.  I've never forgotten it.

It reminds me of this verse.
"Pray without ceasing." 1 Th. 5:17

It begs me with this question:

How do YOU pray?

Blessings in the Lord,


  1. ...Truly something to ponder, dearest Sarah... What a precious mother you have been blessed with, and I love how she encouraged you to spend time praying for those the Lord laid on your heart to lift up to Him... I too love to pray whilst a wash dishes...fold laundry or work in the garden.
    We also love baking and cooking in our home, and we do oh! So much of it as well as we cook from scratch all the time... This means we are in the kitchen many hours out of each day, and what a lovely way to use that time effectively by praying!
    Thank you for the sweet inspiration you are, dear friend!
    I pray you have a delightful and blessed weekend further...
    Joy and love to you!

    1. Thank you, Kelly-Anne for such a sweet comment.

      And what a beautiful way to pray (while washing dishes, folding laundry, etc). The Lord has given us so many ways in which we can (and should) thank Him for His gits and blessings.
      And yes, most of my hours are spent in the kitchen (as I type this I have dough rising and waiting for me to shape and bake it), but I do love it. There is a reward that money could never buy. :)

      Thank you for the encouragement, dear sister in Christ!
      Blessings to you this day!
      "Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied." Jude 1:2


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