Who holds my comfort?

I know that it's been a while since I last posted - sorry about that. My family has been recovering from the same sickness that seems to be going around everywhere. Hopefully, we're on the end tail of it now. Also, my yoga training has kept me busy as well. It's good to "see" you stop here, though! I've missed ya'll. I like food. Like a lot. Let's face it, my culture is surrounded with food! Not long ago, though, I came across an article, How Comfort Food Poses As Spiritual Food . I read it and had some major conviction. You how when you're doing something wrong, you know it's wrong but you keep doing it? Well, I've always felt that way about the way I deal/handle food. I love food. I cake care to make it, to share it. I look forward to it daily and get excited when I can smell something wonderful brewing in the kitchen. In the moment, food gives me what I "want". It fills a desire -...