The in-between

Not long ago, I read this quote (below) that caused me to say, "Yes, Lord. This!" I've shared on here about my longer-than-I-thought period of singleness. I've shared about the ups and downs of navigating this time of my life. Lately though, I have been wrestling with something that I just couldn't put my finger on. "Part of what makes waiting so hard is that there's no guarantee - not knowing whether of not you'll ever get whatever it is that you're waiting for. It'd be so much easier to wait if you knew with full certainty that you'd eventually get what it is you're waiting on. The season of waiting isn't simply's also wrestling with the reality that you may not just be waiting for something but that the outcome you hope for may never come to be. But there's a gift in the in-between and uncertainty. In my season of waiting and uncertainty, I had to learn this one thing: not just to trust God for an outcome...