Sit Still

"Sit still, my daughter, until thou know how the matter will fall: for the man will not be in rest, until he have finished the thing this day." Ruth 3:18

I came across this passage while reading through the book of Ruth this past week and thought it appropriate to not only share, but to encourage others who may be in a similar season.

Being the introvert that I am, I don't mind to be alone or being quiet. But the topic of sitting still is a whole other requirement that I am not very good at...especially in this particular moment of my life. I really want to know certain things: the ending to be more specific. Not to sound dramatic with that word choice "ending", but don't you think it'd be great to know if something is going to work out or not? 

To my shame, that exact thought has been running through my head as I have been reading my Bible lately. So, as I sat down and began to read/listen through the book of Ruth, my eyes stopped on verse 18 of chapter 3,"Sit still, my daughter, until thou know how the matter will fall..." It was as though these words were spoken just to me. I stopped and read it over again...again, then a third time. I closed my eyes and uttered a small prayer of thanks to God for, in His perfect timing, letting my eyes fall upon these words in this exact moment of my life. It was a great comfort to know that not only was I not forgotten (easy to do when you feel like there's nothing but radio static on the other end), but that this was a reminder of how kind God really is. 

I took it as a gentle reminder of God's faithfulness, even when we cannot see the end result.

So with that, does it mean all my fears are gone, that my problems are fixed? Are my questions answered then? No, no, and make that another no. Faith. The Lord has been teaching me what it really means to trust Him in the dark. It (oftentimes) means no answers, even if we ask for them. 

And even if not, He is still good.

Can I get an amen on that? Such good truth in so few words! 

I wrote down in my journal the other day, "Thank You that I can cling to a God that doesn't change." Right beneath that I wrote Malachi 3:6, "For I am the LORD, I change not..." What a comfort it brought my soul! I sat back and praised God such words that never return void and that are alive! 

As I sit still, it is my resolve to cling to the Cross even tighter. It is my resolve to get to know my King and God more than I do now and to grow in Him. Even if my prayers go unanswered, but in the process of those prayers my character is made more like Christ, then praise God!

So friend, I may not know your current struggle or pain, but I do pray for you. I do pray that this little post would remind you that you are not alone in this. God sees your tears and God hears your cries, and He loves you dearly and wants you to bring these desires to Him. 

"Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

Here is my challenge and encouragement to you: 

Are we just reading the Bible, or are we spending time with God in His Word?


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