"The Seventh Door" book review

I am quite excited about telling ya'll about these books because I have been reading them for almost 10 years - wow, okay I just felt REALLY old!

My sister Emily found these books through the CBD catalog; ordered them and almost instantly they became a favorite.  

The first series by Bryan Davis is called "Dragons in our Midst".  The names in order are: book (1) Raising Dragons; book (2) The Candlestone; book (3) Circles of Seven; and book (4) Tears of a Dragon.
My favorite out of DIOM series: The Candelstone. 

After these books there is another series, "Oracles of Fire". The order they go in this: book (1) Eye of the Oracle; book (2) Enoch's Ghost; book (3) Last of the Nephilim; and book (4) The Bones of Makaidos.
My favorite out of OOF series: the first and last books (Eye of the Oracle and The Bones of Makaidos).

Now the last series is called "The Children of the Bard".  These books, in order, are: book (1) Song of the Ovulum; book (2) From the Mouth of Elijah; book (3) The Seventh Door; and book (4) Omega Dragon - which hasn't come out yet.
My favorite out of COTB series: not sure yet; I've gotta read the last one! :p

Here are pictures of all the books except Omega Dragon. 

Children of the Bard

And coming soon is the last installment to the series....
Omega Dragon.

So, there you have it.

Some of the best book series I've read in a long time - and I am NOT a book-series-type-of-a-gal.  I like to read one book and be done with it.  That is, unless it's a really good book and I need to know what happens next. :p  And these books have been just that.  Because I have been reading them since I was about 15 (yikes! I'm OLD!) I've in a sense grown up with the characters.  You avid readers know what that is like. Growing up with the characters and then the book ending can be quite upsetting.
At the end of "The Bones of Makadios" I cried; literately cried.  I knew that everything was "over" (what I didn't know at the time was that Bryan Davis was working on continuing the story) and that my "friends" where happy and at peace. After all we had been though; all the battles, wars, deaths, hurts, and just pain, I knew that they were at peace.  And that made me cry.  
It's the same with Little House on the Prairie and The Chronicles of Narnia.  I cried at the end of each series. Especially The Horse and His Boy in the Narnia books.  Man did I cry!   

So, with the last book (The Seventh Door), before it even came out Bryan Davis had a contest and whomever won he would send a copy to proof-read....and my sister and I won!!  He sent us the book; two weeks to read it; write out our review, and email it to him.  This was SO exciting because everything was TOP SECRET.  We couldn't say anything to anyone because the book had not been released yet.  After we sent in our review - it was good, I must say - we waited.  Waited because if Mr. Davis liked our review, then he would chose ours for the book, like actually be in a book that's going to be sold in stores! :-)

And guess what??  HE PICKED OUR REVIEW!!  Yep, that's right!  I know that it may sound silly to be this excited about something so very small, but I am because stuff like this doesn't really ever happen. 

This was the copy we were sent to read.

My sister was sweet and bought me a copy for my birthday
and asked Mr. Davis to sign it for me. :-)

That's it!  Right there, and it reads:
"Bryan Davis has captured yet again the hearts of his readers with
The Seventh Door! This thrilling adventure is filled with love, forgiveness,
and a picture of the Ultimate Sacrifice."

I leave ya'll with this!  I must be off.


  1. According to my math, we're the same age! At least somewhere within a year of each other. :-) I'm always encouraged to meet other "older" young women who are striving to happily live out their faith every day as they seek God's will.

    I was also going to say that this series looks most interesting! I'll have to look into it. And congratulations on the review! To my mind, it's BIG and you're quite justified in being excited. :-) Oh, and last point: the Horse and His Boy is my favorite Narnia adventure, too! I've read it backwards and forwards and over and over, and it never fails to be delightful! :-)

    1. How funny! :-) What a small word...
      It is very encouraging to "meet" other young ladies like yourself as well - not that we are spinsters or anything, but just that we have the same goal in mind: Strive for Him.

      This book series is really good! As a young Christian, they really helped give me a drive for God and His Kingdom. They have taught me to fight for what is right and to never give up, even if all else seems hopeless, and that has been something I've not forgotten.
      I am SO glad that I am not the only one who enjoyed the Horse and His Boy. Most people I've met did not like it because it was "slow" and not interesting. I don't know how anyone can think that of that amazingly written book!

  2. Hi Sarah!
    I've tagged you for the Sunflower Award. :-) You can read about it here: http://ladyofanorien.blogspot.com/2014/03/sunflower-tag.html

    1. Hi Heidi!
      Thank you! I look forward to filling out and sharing my answers.


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