Let it snow, let it snow!

Boy what a crazy start to March it has been!!  It surely does come in like a lion...

Back in the last week of February my Pop surprised my Mama with a trip to New Jersey for her nieces' (our cousin) baby shower, and all of us girls got to go. :-)  We decided to keep it a secret from our cousin and not tell her that we were coming.  Let's just say that she was shocked!  :-)  It was SO nice to be able to surprise her.  Such a blessing to have been able to go and see family.  I got to meet my second little cousin who is not yet a year old (he will be next month) which was really exciting (I met my first little cousin in 2012 during a trip to the Outer Banks, he was just three or two then, I think.). And I must say that when I held this little baby my heart melted and I turned into a puddle of mush; I about lost it.  He was content in my arms after just meeting me, which made me adore him even more (he never cried, whined, or fussed).  He's so cute that all you want to do is put him in your pocket.  Plus, I just adore his parents. :-)  Thank You Lord for blessing me with such a sweet family. :-)

Back to the point of this post....  

Do you happen to know what it does up north during the winter?  SNOW!!  Yes, snow!! I can't begin to tell you how excited we were to see snow!  I was trying to remember the last time I actually saw snow falling and I came to the conclusion that it must have been almost 20 years, maybe 17 or 18 years.  Plus is fell on my birthday!  :-D  Talk about a lovely birthday gift. :-D  

Here are some pictures of the snow. 

It was like walking in powered sugar. 

One of the things I love about the snow: the mystery it leaves.

I know that there aren't a lot of pictures, but there were a lot of memories made.  I am thankful to be home, but I also miss my family.  It is bitter-sweet.
O how good He is to me!
Now you go and have a blessed day!


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