10 Favorite Film Characters Tag

Thank you, Heidi for tagging me in this super fun post! It was hard for me to just pick 10 of my favorites but I did and here are my 10. (Heidi, I like how you added the year the films were made, and plan on doing the same - thanks for the idea! :)) 1. Anne Shirley - Anne of Green Gables (1985) I chose Anne because she is a classic and I've always loved her. 2. Sarah Wheaton - Sarah Plain and Tall (1991) Sarah was so very gentle and feminine in all she said and did. She was super smart and open for change. I admired her for being open in a time when women weren't really different in the way that she was. I always thought I saw myself as Anne (see above), but the more I think and reflect, the more I see little bits of me resembling Sarah Wheaton. 3. Danielle - Ever After (1999) My mother always told her daughters that one of the things she loved about Cinderella was her joyful attitude. Even though she...