10 Favorite Film Characters Tag

Thank you, Heidi for tagging me in this super fun post!

It was hard for me to just pick 10 of my favorites but I did and here are my 10.

(Heidi, I like how you added the year the films were made, and plan on doing the same - thanks for the idea! :))

1. Anne Shirley - Anne of Green Gables (1985)

I chose Anne because she is a classic and I've always loved her.

2. Sarah Wheaton - Sarah Plain and Tall (1991)

Sarah was so very gentle and feminine
in all she said and did.  She was super smart and open for change.
I admired her for being open in a time when women
weren't really different in the way that she was.

I always thought I saw myself as Anne (see above), but the more
I think and reflect, the more I see
 little bits of me resembling Sarah Wheaton.

3. Danielle - Ever After (1999)

My mother always told her daughters that one of the
things she loved about Cinderella was her joyful
attitude.  Even though she was treated unkindly by others,
she never complained.  I think that that's why
I chose Danielle: her kind spirit in the midst of it all. 

4. Mr. Sir - To Sir, with Love (1967)

This man's patience blows me away each time I see this film.
His passion for his job always inspires me to do better.  
I love his style of teaching (he teaches troubled young adults
about the reality of life; gives the young ladies who have no standers, 
something to value about themselves; to the young men he gives
 courage to be gentlemen who treasure women as jewels, not
as prizes to be won). 

5. Ray Singleton - The Magic of Ordinary Days (2005)

I simply adore this movie!  Ray's sweet, gentle, and patient
character hits me right in the feels each time I watch (or read the book)
the movie.  

6. Rocky Balboa - Rocky (1976)

One of the best fighters - and not just in in the ring - I've
ever "met". Rocky never, ever gives up on what he loves:
fighting and family - in that order.  He fights big and
he loves big.  While most people push him away,
he pushes back with only kindness.
In the movies, Rocky comes across
as being a little slower mentally.  While most people can't stand him for
his "stupidity", I adore him for his differences.  Being slower in no way
shape or form means that you are "less smart" or that you can't love.
Just look at Rocky's character thought each of his movies.

7. John Thornton - North & South (2004)

I absolutely love Mr. Thornton's character.
His devotion to his family and job is encouraging.

8. Hilts (The Cooler King) - The Great Escape (1963)

The King of Cool.  One of my all-time favorite films. 

9. Abbe Faria - The Count of Monte Cristo (2002)

What Edmond learned from this man is priceless: knowledge.
What he gained was a true friendship and a lasting bond.

10. Ben-Hur - Ben-Hur (1969)

This man's story of redemption touches me every time I
watch the movie.  I love his passion for family,
honor, and his people.

(I know these aren't the best pictures - I still haven't quite figured out how to make the pictures clearer.)

Each of these movies are wonderful - part of me wants to watch a few now that I've mentioned them! :p

Thank you again, Heidi for tagging me in this fun game - I really, really enjoyed it!

Blessings to all,


  1. Yay! And I'm so glad you enjoyed it! ;)

    Let's see.... I haven't seen all of these! I agree 100% about Anne and Thornton and Ray Singleton is very sweet. I've actually only seen The Magic once through in it's entirety, but I do thoroughly like it and quite a few of my family members LOVE it. (Also, her outfits in there are soooo crazy gorgeous -- and practical!)

    And I really want to see Ever After. It's my new current favorite writing soundtrack and looks like such a beautiful movie. Are there any possibly skippable parts? And Ben Hur -- I really, really want to see that one! :P

  2. I did enjoy it Heidi - thanks again!

    I adore Livy's outfits in The Magic of Ordinary Days - SO pretty and feminine!

    Every After is such a sweet love story! There are a few naughty words (maybe 3) in the movie, but that's it. And unless kissing bothers you (and when I say "kissing" I mean that it's not bad at all - very sweet in fact), then it's a fairly clean movie. And Ben-Hur - SUCH a good movie!! My whole family both loves and enjoys that movie. :)

  3. Oh, I love how you listed Danielle as one of your favourite film characters, dear Sarah! She is mine too...and I love Ever After...it is a gorgeous movie I could watch over and over again!
    And Anne...she is the sweetest:)
    Loved your list, Sarah! Blessings to you!

    1. I am so glad that you enjoyed this list Kelly-Anne! :)
      Danielle's character is just so lovely and patient - 'tis one of the many reasons why I adore her in Ever After.
      And Anne is just...well, Anne! ;)
      Blessings to you, dear sister in Christ!


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