"Fool's Paradise" - Scale (Acts 9:18)

(I meant to post this yesterday, but with computer and internet issues, it was delayed a day)

My blogging buddy, and dear friend, Heidi posted a fun question on her blog not long ago. The title of her post is Ring Around the Rose Week 3 ~ Dragon Conversation,  and the question was this:

How would you go about talking a dragon out of eating you, especially if no weapons were available?

Click on the link to read her full, and very entertaining story!   For me, I decided to make my answer into a little story.  Please read and enjoy. :)

I would first have to remind myself to stay calm - dragons can sense fear and trembling (two things for which I am very good at completing).  After the shock, I regain what little strength I have left and slowly turn around, trying to get a glimpse at the distance of the cave entrance and wondering whether or not if I'll be able to make a run for it without getting burnt to a crisp.  Then, deep from within, the ground trembles; starting at the core of the earth, working its way upward to my shaking soles. 
Where did that come from? I wonder.
I strain my eyes to adjust to the damp, warm darkness.  I look around, and it is deep within the back of the cave that I see it.  The dragon.  With his back to me, I can see that not only is he beautiful, but great and majestic.  His stature is large and his wings are mighty; his scales glisten with, what it appears to be, droplets of diamonds.  Of course the worst possible thing to do is to inch closer, but it is exactly what I do. Ever so slowly I walk up to him.

"Who dares to enter my keep?"  This voice from the deep asks with a hint of sadness.  For fear, I do not answer. 
Who dares to enter my keep?!" At this, the dragon slowly turns his head to face me.  His voice carries more authority than before.  Maybe that's because I am standing face-to-face with the beast.  It frightens me and I immediately wish I was somewhere else. 
"I will not ask again." 
I must answer him. With a shaking voice, I answer. "It is I, sir. I have entered into your dark kingdom."  
"But what is you name?"
"Keturah Hayth."  

This seems to keep him quite for few terrifying minutes.  It's almost as if he's chewing on my name, preparing for the taste of my flesh.  He inches closer to me.  

"Keturah Hayth, do you know of the penalty for defiling my sanctum?"
My breath catches in my throat.  I'm going to die.  Oh, please don't let me die!
"I must die, great sir?"  I might as well ask him.
He laughs at me.  I feel myself turning red and not from his smoking nostrils. My embarrassment is great and I can feel that the Dragon knows it. 
"Why do you laugh at me?"  I humbly ask.
"I laugh because of your answer, dear Keturah Hayth." At the mention of my name, I feel hot mist on my face.  
"My name is Eligius and this is my home." 
I know from my Latin studies as a child, that this name means "to choose."  And before I know it, those very words have escaped my lips; they linger on the cave walls and seem to echo out of the entrance. 

"Young Keturah is well-learned.  Your penalty for entering into my home is death."
I gulp down the the air that seems to have been building up within the walls of my diaphragm.  My breathing becomes heavy; tears sting my eyes.  I knew that there was no way out of this. 

Thinking quickly, I say "What if I were to make a trade with you instead of death?"
"A trade?  What could you possibly have on you that I would want?"  He is curious. 
"I have my life to offer you as a companion and friend."  My voice is shaking with fear, and yet, with each word I find the strength to go on.  I step closer.  Never have I seen such beauty in a beast before.

Eligius is visibly taken aback.  His long scaly neck lowers to the ground; his amber eyes become level with mine.  I'm afraid but stand still. "You would give me your life?"  It's a whisper that escapes his long mouth.  I whisper back "Yes.  I will be your companion until the my days are no more.  I will be your friend."  With this, Eligius is taken up into the air engulfed in embers that have burst from beneath my feet.  I step back, glace up and watch the scene take place.  After what seems like an hour (really it was about one minute), the embers start to fade and a figure starts to reappear - that of a man.  And then ever so slowly, the man starts to descend; landing softly on the warm earth.  I am deeply perplexed and begin to wonder if I'm dreaming.

"Keturah?" His voice is deep and that of a man.  


"Yes, it is I."  He is breathless from his descent.

"But how is this even possible?  You were a dragon!"  

"I was.  When I was a 12, I stumbled across this cave.  As I began to explore its vastness, I happened to wake an evil witch from her slumber.  She cast a spell on me because of my curiosity and innocence .  She told me that the only way I would turn back into a human would be if someone gave the greatest gift they had: life.  And you did Keturah. You gave your life for my sake.  You pledged your devotion and companionship to me without thought of yourself."  He takes a deep breath and continues. "Keturah Hayth, you are not bound to this fate that is before your eyes.  You can turn away.  But, I must ask with all of my heart, will you continue your pledge to me?" 

With tears streaming down my face, I answer, "I made a choice fully and contently to be your friend.  I pledge my life to you, now and forever."

Now with tears in his eyes, Eligius takes my hand in his (much larger than my own) and we walk away, out into daylight and towards a lifetime. 

~Then End

I do hope that this wasn't too silly of a read.  I'm not a very good writer.  :-/  I still hope you enjoyed it though.



  1. Sarah!!
    WOW. I hardly know what to say....! I L-O-V-E it!!!! (Now I just want a further installment. ;)) And I'm super curious, is this dropping any hints about Keturah and Lord Death, too? Or do they just share the name??

    And email coming soon! ;)

    1. P.S. Just shared it with my family after dinner and they loved it, too. :)

      (And in actuality, I'm just plumb flabbergasted with happiness about it! ;D)

  2. I am SO glad that you (and your family) enjoyed this little story! I didn't really think it turned out that well, seeing as how I'm not a very good writer. But I thank you for the sweet (and encouraging) complement.

    The names are the only real similarities between Keturah and Lord Death and this little story. :) I do hope that you're able to read it sometime! :) I have some music that I've pinned for a few parts in the book that match perfectly! You know how music does that sometimes?

    Now that I think about it, I guess this could use another chapter. ;) Until next time...

  3. Sarah - you are a GOOD writer...you use words and phrases which mentally 'place' the person in the story. Good job!

  4. Wow, this is breathtaking! I was hooked completely. I love that it's got a bit of a "Beauty and the Beast" aspect to it, which is fitting as this series is to help spread the word about the launch of Five Enchanted Roses. Very creative, I love it.

    1. I'm flattered, Jenelle! Thank you for such sweet feedback on this little piece of of a story. I guess I should write a second part then? :)


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