

I will be turning 36 in two days.  If someone were to ask me at 26 where I saw myself 10 years from then, I would more than likely not have guessed to be sitting where I am currently sitting. What's the big deal about turning 36, you might ask? Well, it's really not that  big of a deal; age is  just a number, isn't it? True.  The past two and a half years of my life have been some of the most challenging for me emotionally, spiritually, and even mentally. The hopes and discouragements God has so lovingly placed before me were painful, and yet there was beauty and purpose in them. It's funny though how the Holy Spirit works in our hearts and how it is by God's grace and mercy that even in the midst of a heartbreaking disappointment, His purpose and glory shine through. Praise the Lord! He must increase and I must decrease, no? (John 3:30). So what's the big deal, Sarah? Well, I'm gonna shoot straight with ya'll - I have had a ton  of anxiety about turning...

Let it Snow!

Well, I experienced something that I never thought I would living in the state of Florida -  SNOW! This once a lifetime event happened this past week and I cannot even begin to tell you how exciting it was to experience. :) Please enjoy some pictures (I ended up taking WAY TOO many, lol):  My sisters, brother and I were so excited we ended up walking several miles up and down our back roads, taking it all in.  Growing up in New Hampshire, I wasn't unfamiliar with snow, it just isn't so common in this area of the Sunshine State! My hair actually froze and I loved it, LOL. I think one of the many things that I loved about this whole experience was the silence. I had forgotten just how peaceful the snow can be. The sounds of winter are rather magical. Never in a million years would I think that this would be my backyard! Such a simple, yet invigorating sight.  Our puppy Max was so happy to be able to run around in the snow! And while his paws were sore the next day, he ...

"Behold, now I will do a new thing"

 "Behold, now I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:19 As I head off into a new year, I take with me this verse filled with promises of hope, new beginnings and the faithfulness of God. Happy New Year, to you!!

My Worth

A song that always seems to speak to my soul - no matter the season, is none other than My Worth is Not in What I Own,  by Keith and Kristyn Getty. It doesn't seem to matter what season or episode I am on in my life, but the words of this beautiful song continue to point me back to Christ.  My worth is not in what I own, Not in the strength of flesh and bone, But in the costly wounds of love At the cross. My worth is not in skill or name, In win or lose, in pride or shame, But in the blood of Christ that flowed At the cross. I rejoice in my Redeemer Greatest Treasure, Wellspring of my soul! I will trust in Him, no other. My soul is satisfied in Him alone. How true are those words? I know that personally for me, having that reminder that my worth is not found in anything tangible  - but in the Greatest Treasure, Christ, is vital for me spiritual well-being.  It's extremely easy for me to look at where I am and compare it to where others are. "Comparison is the thief o...

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound!

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found; was blind, but now I see. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved; how precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed. Through many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come; 'tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home.  The Lord has promised good to me, His word my hope secures; He will my shield and portion be, as long as life endures. When we've been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun, we've no less days to sing God's praise than when we first begun.

"Behold, he prayeth."

Take courage in this devotional from the Prince of Preachers, Charles Spurgeon. It was a great encouragement to my soul and I pray it has the same effect on yours. "Behold, he prayeth."Acts 9:11 Prayers are instantly noticed in heaven. The moment Saul began to pray the Lord heard him. Here is comfort for the distressed but praying soul. Oftentimes a poor broken-hearted one bends his knee, but can only utter his wailing in the language of sighs and tears; yet that groan has made all the harps of heaven thrill with music; that tear has been caught by God and treasured in the lachrymatory of heaven. "Thou puttest my tears into thy bottle," implies that they are caught as they flow. The suppliant, whose fears prevent his words, will be well understood by the Most High. He may only look up with misty eye; but "prayer is the falling of a tear." Tears are the diamonds of heaven; sighs are a part of the music of Jehovah's court, and are numbered with "the...

Life Update

Well hello there. We mustn't keep meeting like this, you know, with months in between each interaction. How are you all doing? I've missed you. As the title says, I thought to update ya'll on what has been going on in my life since I last posted. It's not much, lol, but I've missed writing, so here I am.  Since my post in March, life has been crazy, beautiful, painful, lovely, sorrows and surprises (no, not that least Lord willing, not yet!).  So, let's catch up... What has been Crazy : With so much going on in the world, and in each of our lives, my goings have been more hectic than I care to admit. I am a person who thrives on routine and structure and when either of those things are challenged, I can get anxious. *cue the crazy* One thing we did do was get a dog. We have livestock and so with the threat of other animals, my parents made the choice to go out and get a puppy. Say hello (picture below) to Maximus Decimus Meridius, or Max for short. H...