Let it Snow!

Well, I experienced something that I never thought I would living in the state of Florida -  SNOW!

This once a lifetime event happened this past week and I cannot even begin to tell you how exciting it was to experience. :)

Please enjoy some pictures (I ended up taking WAY TOO many, lol): 

My sisters, brother and I were so excited we ended up walking several miles up and down our back roads, taking it all in. 

Growing up in New Hampshire, I wasn't unfamiliar with snow, it just isn't so common in this area of the Sunshine State!

My hair actually froze and I loved it, LOL.

I think one of the many things that I loved about this whole experience was the silence. I had forgotten just how peaceful the snow can be. The sounds of winter are rather magical.

Never in a million years would I think that this would be my backyard!

Such a simple, yet invigorating sight. 

Our puppy Max was so happy to be able to run around in the snow! And while his paws were sore the next day, he was back at it, playing and eating as much as he could!

Snow on palms - who would have thought?! 

Not sure if it is possible to see, but that's one long sheet of ice. Needless to say, we didn't't drive anywhere for a few days.  

It might look like sand, but it most certainly is not!

I couldn't help but imagine the Narnia books. So much of my childhood was shaped by those wonderful books and as my three siblings and I walked and walked through the woods, I was transported back in time. All that was missing was a lamppost, a Lion, a few beavers, and a fawn!

In addition to all the walking, we just had to make a snowman. So, we set to work! It was fun because, again, I got to feel like a kid, rolling the snow back and forth to make the body, midsection and head of the snowman. 

While Bob isn't the most comely, we loved putting him together. :) 

A few of my favorite people. 

Such a fun time. I honestly think I'll remember this even for the rest of my life - thank You, O Lord!

And just like that, it all melted. I'm definitely sad, but OH SO grateful to God for this past week. 2025 has been such an incredible blessing and one that I didn't think possible. To God be all the glory!

How did you spend your snow days?


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