Little Things

Isn't there a phrase, "It's the little things in life"? 

As the Lord continues to lead and guide me, I have come to see many many times over that life is mix of little blessings that add up and showcase how great our God truly is.

Last week, I had a special friend visit me from out of town. Over the course of their stay we went all over and explored some of what Florida has to offer. Through our little adventures, I came to realize how special it is to simply be. Maybe this doesn't surprise you, but I can be a "go big or go home" type of person. While I think there are times that call for that, I also have learned that there is beauty and tranquility in the simplest of things. Such as:

Listening to the rain, walking, discovering hidden gems, trying something new, talking, dreaming, laughing, embracing, and even silence. 

Of course there are many more, but these stick out to me because they are fresh in my mind. 

So as I savor these memories, not only do I thank the Lord for the blessing of them, but I also think back on them and see how the beauty of "little things" really do make up a beautiful life. They reveal (at least to me) that life doesn't need to always be big, loud and busy with activities. Sometimes the best things in life are simply sitting and watching the sun go down, or running through the rain. 

As we all head into another week, I pray that you take the time to slow down and glance, even for a moment, at the beauty that surrounds. 

"Now the God of peace be with you all. Amen" 

Romans 15:33


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