My Worth

A song that always seems to speak to my soul - no matter the season, is none other than My Worth is Not in What I Own, by Keith and Kristyn Getty.

It doesn't seem to matter what season or episode I am on in my life, but the words of this beautiful song continue to point me back to Christ. 

My worth is not in what I own,
Not in the strength of flesh and bone,
But in the costly wounds of love
At the cross.

My worth is not in skill or name,
In win or lose, in pride or shame,
But in the blood of Christ that flowed
At the cross.

I rejoice in my Redeemer
Greatest Treasure,
Wellspring of my soul!
I will trust in Him, no other.
My soul is satisfied in Him alone.

How true are those words? I know that personally for me, having that reminder that my worth is not found in anything tangible  - but in the Greatest Treasure, Christ, is vital for me spiritual well-being.  It's extremely easy for me to look at where I am and compare it to where others are. "Comparison is the thief of joy" - how true is that?! Lord, forgive me where I have made glancing at others my daily habitations. Turn my eyes back to Christ! 

With that prayer, the Lord has given me more opportunities to trust Him than I would have liked, but in the end, He is still my Father and intends good on my life. 

As summer flowers we fade and die,
Fame, youth and beauty hurry by,
But life eternal calls to us
At the cross.

I will not boast in wealth or might,
Or human wisdom’s fleeting light,
But I will boast in knowing Christ
At the cross.

I rejoice in my Redeemer
Greatest Treasure,
Wellspring of my soul!
I will trust in Him, no other.
My soul is satisfied in Him alone.

A little bit of grace goes a long way. With the many ups and downs of my life recently, I have to remember to give myself a tad bit of grace. I can be really be hard on myself (and others) when things don't work out the way I planned for them to in my head. Lord, help me to extend the hand of grace that has been extended to me! 

Two wonders here that I confess,
My worth and my unworthiness.
My value fixed – my ransom paid,
At the cross.

I rejoice in my Redeemer
Greatest Treasure,
Wellspring of my soul
I will trust in Him, no other.
My soul is satisfied in Him alone.

I rejoice in my Redeemer
Greatest Treasure,
Wellspring of my soul!
I will trust in Him, no other.
My soul is satisfied in Him alone.


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