"So what DO you eat?"

I know, I know. This post took way too long!! Things were crazy at my house, my brother came for a visit, we had guests over, it was REAL busy; and for like two weeks in a row. But now I am back and ready to give ya an update on my story. Well here it is...

Okay so now you are probably wondering what on earth I ate during my months of healing. I have to say that it was very different from what I was used to but not so much that I went into shock for lack of food. Funny thing is I can't tell you how many times I've had people ask me (after learning what I can't eat), "So what do you eat?" I would explain this to them and here is an example:

Breakfast would be a bowl of Cream of Rice with Strawberries

Snack was two to three rice cakes with natural peanut butter

Lunch was sometimes a chicken breast or steak with white rice, beans and spinach or zucchini

Dinner would be brown rice pasta (I love this stuff!) with ground turkey, baby spinach and black olives

Desert was a peach or an apple (most nights I went without something "sweet")

Now that doesn't really sound too bad, right? It wasn't! Oh, it was so good! I was so very thankful that I was able to eat in that way. Still, to this day I am grateful to God for providing for my food-needs and for nourishing me! He really did change my WHOLE outlook on eating and healthy living. May all the praises go to Him! "Praise ye the LORD. I will praise the LORD with my whole heart, in the assembly of the upright, and in the congregation." Psalm 111:1

Truth be told, I didn't really understand what it meant to be fully nourished when this whole thing started. It is amazing though, how God can use certain situations to bring glory to His Holy name and in the process bring the person (me) closer to Him in such a way that it could seriously only be a God-Thing. I never would have thought that God would use food (of all things!) to bring me closer to Him! Plus, He led me to a true place of peace and happiness, and He opened my heart to receive His great goodness as well as His many blessings. =)
I am in love with Him more then I used to be! I give thanks to Him more then I used to! I could just talk all day about Him and all the amazing things He has done in my life, but I don't think the internet has enough space for that! ;-)

Okay so how about a recipe?? Yes please!!  I will try and post a recipe a week (that is until I run out of ideas!) with the things that I was able to eat and maybe a story about that recipe (how I came up with the idea, etc.) If you have any questions, just shoot me a comment and I'll try and answer it best I can.

Chinese Fake-out Rice 

When I made this for the first time my sisters said that it tasted kinda like the Chinese takeout rice that we get. I guess it does just a little bit. ;-)

1 cup long grain white rice (it really needs to be long grain)
2 cups water or Gluten-free, Yeast-free chicken broth
1 large green, red or yellow bell pepper, halved and de-seeded
1 large carrot, peeled and ends cut off
1 large stalk of celery
1 medium size onion, rid of its peel and halved
1 medium size parsnip, peeled
1 to 2 Tbsp Pure Olive Oil
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
Salt & Pepper to taste

1. Wash all your veggies, except the onion, pat dry.  Cut carrot, celery and parsnip in half, then
slice each half on the diagonal at 1/2-inch intervals, with your knife held at a 45 degree angle (this makes the veggies pretty!). Dice up your onion and place your veggies in a bowl.

2. Heat 1 Tbsp of olive oil in medium size pot over medium high heat. Add your veggies, salt & pepper and saute for about 7 minutes (during this cooking time you may have to add the other Tbsp of oil), stiring occasionally.

3. After 7 or 8 minutes, add the long grain rice. At this point you want to always be stiring to keep the rice from burning. Cook for 3 minutes or until the rice has browned just a little.

4.After 3 minutes add your water, stir just until combined. Cook according to directions on rice package. Now here's where what I do, I leave the lid slightly off of my pot so that it lets some of the steam escape. DO NOT STIR YOUR RICE! Let it alone and do its thing. Let stand 5 minutes and serve.

Well that's one recipe for ya! I hope that you all enjoy it. =)


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