Ciao 2012!

Am I the only one who can't believe that the year 2012 is almost over?! Where has this time gone? It seems to have just flown by...

However, I so grateful to the Lord for the things I was able to accomplish and for the people He brought into my life. Plus, the Lord did a lot of pruning and weeding of my own soul.

To put it into small words: I am blessed!

Here is my attempt at a timeline of this past year:

January - Trained (along with my mama and sisters) for our first 5k

February - Ran our first 5k in 43 minutes and something seconds (yes, I know that may seem like FOREVER for all you real runners, but hey! this was - like I said - our first)

March - My mama went and visited our Grandmother for 2 weeks and we were blessed with the opportunity to spend more time at home with our dad and brothers (not that when my mama is home we don't spend time with them, because we do. It was just a blessing to be able to have more intimate time with them.:)

April - Went to visit my brother Timothy up north and met some AMAZING people! I have been forever blessed by that trip.

May - This month was a blessing because it was restful! I like to say that God was watering, pruning, and weeding me during this time.

June - I was able to focus on my crocheting, knitting, and sewing. I am always looking for ways to improve me skills.

July - Went to the Outer Banks in NC with the family. Such a wonderful time! I loved spending a week with everyone in the same house!

August - My dear friend got engaged and asked me to be in her wedding!! Yay, so excited!! Plus, some of my siblings and myself started Square Dancing! So grateful to a special friend for taking the time out of her day to teach us.

September - Still square dancing...and loving it!

October - After dancing for a little over two months, me and the "gang" went to our first square dancing dance. Learned so many new "moves" that evening. =)

November- Some of us got to see Newsboys, Building 429, and Grace Campbell in concert! This was my second time seeing Newsboys and I loved it! They are a great bunch of men who love the Lord! Also I was blessed with being able to spend time with my Grandmother up north. Also, we were surprised with a visit from two very special ladies that my sisters and I met back in April. Never thought that we'd be able to see the same place (the place where my brother Timothy works/lives) twice in one year! And one last thing, ( I think I've updated this 2 or 3 times) I - along with my brothers and sisters - graduated from square dancing!! YAY!! Lots of hard work paid off. =)

December - I had my teeth worked on. I sliced my finger open (still, even now I can't type with it) and we had two family things pop up that were both scary. Not the way I would have planned to end the year, but alas! God is still good! "Praise the LORD; for the LORD is good: sing praises unto his name, for it is pleasant." Psalm 135:3

Here are a few pictures from this year...

L to R: Emily (aka the Inspector), Anna (aka Miss Scarlet), Abigail (aka Professor Plummer), Elizabeth (aka Mr. Green), and me (aka Colonel Mustard). We made up a real life Clue game, so much fun! I know, we look ridiculous! :p
Us before the big race!
Us afterwards
 Anna and Elizabeth at an animal park

Okay, this cow was huge! It doesn't look like it, but the thing was 10 times bigger than me! 
 Emily and Abigail <3

 Elizabeth in a skirt I made for one of our ball gowns

 A basket I made

 My sisters and I on the beach at the Outer Banks


 My dad, Abigail and Anna visiting some family

 A small sampler I finished for my mama 

 And once again the sunset...

This is just a few of us with Duncan Phillips!! It was taken when we first went and saw Newsboys back in 2010 (I think that was the year).

Lord, there are many things I am grateful for that You have given me this year. Too many to even count. You are so good to me, a plain old sinner who deserves nothing. Thank You just doesn't seem enough.

"I beseech you therefor, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." Romans 12:1

God bless everyone and happy new year!! May we never forget Whom to thank when we wake up tomorrow!



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