Poo-Free links

First off, I know that I am a little behind on changing the style on my blog, I've been sick this past week. Ugh!  Just getting to it today.  

Okay, so because I am in a wedding next month (SO excited!!) I am trying (besides trying to fit nicely into my dress lol) to have clean healthy-looking hair.  A dear friend from our church told me and my sister about going poo-free, and I wanted to try it out.  Here is a quote from the ladies site:

It works on the principle that the more oil is stripped from your hair the more oil your body will produce to replace it. It is a cycle. It works something like nursing a baby. The more you nurse the more milk you produce and when you stop all your milk goes away.

We have gotten into a shampooing frenzy, shampooing our hair every day to clean it, so we have started an awful “not good for our scalp” cycle with our bodies. Most shampoos are really bad about stripping the oils out of your hair, causing your body to produce more.

Guess what the number one selling hair product is on QVC (or home shopping network)? Wen. It is a “no shampoo” treatment for your hair. The price? Almost $35 for 16 oz. (about 2 cups) and for long hair you have to use 48 pumps of it. Do you know how expensive that is?

The homemade shampoo recipe I’ll share below does the same thing at a cost of about 3 cents for the same amount and you use significantly less of it.

And here is the link to the site: http://www.livingonadime.com/homemade-shampoo-recipe/

And another great site: http://www.loving-it-raw.com/homemade-shampoo.html


  1. Your site is looking really good - love the cliffs! Excellent post and thanks for including the cost savings!

  2. Thanks! I like the cliffs too! I try and change my blog every month. =)


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