Mustard - great for burns!!

Burns.  Who likes them?  Not me!

I seem to draw getting burned, for it happens to me quite often.  Seriously.  It happened to me this past week.  I was rotating something in the oven when my pot holder (that's what we call them) fell out of my right hand and into the oven; well, this can only mean that my hand went straight to the HOT cookie sheet!  It happened so quickly that I didn't have time to pull my hand away, so I got a nice BIG burn on my thumb - like the WORST place ever for a burn!  

I immediately walked to the sink and ran cool water over the effected area.  After about 3 minutes of that I grabbed an ice cube and placed it on my burn, this seems to have "cooled" it down for a few minutes.  I've never had a a burn, well, burn for that long!  It went on for about 2.5 hours!  Ugh the pain!  I felt like my finger was on fire!  

So where does the name for this blog come in?  Here it does: Mustard.  It's amazing stuff.  You can eat it.  You can use it as a plaster (for recipe, click here ) when you are sore, or have a cold/chest congestion (this works amazingly!). Jesus said this about the tiny little seed: "...Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you." (Matthew 17:20 KJV)  
It's just an amazing plant!  The Lord - like with everything else - made it with a divine purpose.  And I believe that this is just one small way of using it: for burns.

That evening we were having pigs in a blanket so the mustard was coming out anyway! :p After the 3rd ice cube and no real, deep relief, I decided to put some mustard (this was the 100% natural stuff, not the bright yellow kind) on my thumb, and what do ya know?  It worked!  At first there wasn't too much relief, but after the 3rd application of the stuff the pain eased and eventually went away.  

Here's a really simple recipe for homemade mustard, if any of y'all wanna try making it. 

And my thumb lived happily ever after!  Just a side note:  I woke up the next morning with almost NO visible signs that I had burnt my finger the day before! :-)

Blessings in the Lord,

 I do not own any of these images!  They were taken from Bing


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