I have to give it all?

Like many young, unmarried women, I think about the day when I get to meet and marry the one God has made for me. 

I was laying in bed one night and thinking about the possibility of getting married when it hit me:  
it is silly to want to be married just for the sake of being married.  

Do I believe that God created us with a desire to be one with another?  Absolutely.  Remember: He made Eve for Adam.  God saw that it wasn't good for man to be alone (Genesis 2:18) so He made Eve.  I have been created for man - not all men, mind you, but for one man - my future husband.

As the days and years go by it gets harder and harder to imagine being a wife and mother, and yet, with each passing year the desire becomes more intense.  The flame burns brighter.  I think about him (my future husband) more.  I catch myself thinking about possible future children; who they would look like, etc.  I do think these things.  However, this is what I try to remind myself:  
"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God." Philippians 4:6 NKJV

"...for nothing be anxious" (YLT)

"For nothing be anxious"  Nothing.  
I don't know about you, but it is hard not to be anxious.  What does that mean anyway - to be anxious?
From G3308; to be anxious about: - (be, have) care (-ful), take thought.

So, take thought for nothing - even a future husband.  
Easier said than done, right?  Yep.  Plus I think it gets harder as you get older - especially as you watch most of your friends become engaged, get married, and have children. 
My thinking came to this that night as I lay in my bed:
I must give every bit of myself to Him!  I can't just give Him little bits and pieces of myself; He must have all of me.  

"As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God." Psalm 42:1

"As a hart doth pant for streams of water, So my soul panteth toward Thee, O God." (YLT) 

Panteth means - A primitive root; to long for: - cry, pant.

Long for Him, cry after Him and O the comforts that await you therein!  I say this to you just as much as I say it to myself.

Give it ALL to Him.  Whether you are 20, 25, 30, 35 or even 45, give Him your everything.  Because in Him is true comfort. 

I'm ending off with this that I came across: this blog post.  I found it thought provoking.  If you get a chance to read it, please tell me your thoughts.



  1. Good thoughts!

    Have you ready Olivia's book? I can send you a free e-copy if you'd like, I think you would love it!

    1. If you don't mind I would love that. :-) Thank you. :-)

    2. Send me your e-mail address kathy@teachinggoodthings.com

  2. A wonderful reminder...thank you!

    Btw, I'm your newest happy follower and I think I'm going to very much enjoy visiting. :-)

  3. It blesses me to know that these little posts bless others. :-)

  4. I find myself in the same situation as the years go by and see how life changes and blooms in young women, how they mature differently in marriage and motherhood it is just marvelous... I wonder how my life will be in my next adult years. Will I meet the one or get married? What kind of mother will I be? so many questions that I have no answer but trust in God's plan and timing.

    I daydream a lot of having my own family caring for my children wondering how will their aspects will look, my future house, Husband who will he be or how we will meet it is hard not to think of these things.

    What a lovely post I really enjoyed reading it :). I found your blog though Heidi's. May you have a lovely day .


    1. Laura,
      Thank you for the sweet comment! I am enjoying going through your blog and reading your posts!
      In His Ever Loving Hands,


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