Lessons in tardiness

It's been 21 days since the new year.  Where is the time going to, people?

I don't know about you, but I had a plan this new year, and like most people it was to get into better shape.  I knew going into 2014 (still can't believe that it's 2014!) that things for me where going to be busy, and that they were going to get busy fast!  Still, I planned on carving out time for workouts and things like that.  I was pumped and ready to start working out!  Then we had a cold snap...like a really bad, 18 degrees-cold-snap.  And most of my running (well all of my running) was to be done outside.  I just couldn't run in 18 degrees.  I'm not that adventurous. *laughs*
Then it "warmed" up to the 30's and 40's and I was super excited to finally get moving!  

Then we got sick...again.

This was out 3rd in a row time being sick!  Ugh!  I woke up and felt, well, sick and I knew that I couldn't run, even though I planned on working out that day.  I was so incredibly frustrated!  Every time I wanted to do something, something else came up and I had to put off what I wanted to do.
Complaining is never right, and that's just what I was doing.  

I asked God "why am I always getting a late start on things? Always.  I can never do things when everyone else does them."  
I've never gone with the flow of things.  Ever since I was little I've kinda always done my own thing; wanted different things.  I guess you could say I've always wanted to stand out in a different way.  Not a weird way, just different.  Then as a young woman, Romans 12:2 became my goal. 
"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." Romans 12:2  
"be not conformed..."  
"Conform" means (taken from e-sword) to fashion alike, that is, conform to the same pattern (figuratively): - conform to, fashion self according to.
That can be a hard to take because most times we just want to "fit in", to be accepted and things of that nature.  

Ah, how the Lord humbles!  Just when we think we are at the "top", He reminds us that we are still at the very bottom.
I'm just now starting with my new years resolution.  A new start and a new attitude. 
There is a time for everything and it's all good.  I'm still not sure why I always get a late start on things.  Maybe it is because I think I'm ready but God knows that I'm not and so in a gentle way He reminds me.  Maybe that's His eternal plan for me: to always get a late start on things.  I am not sure why that would be, but do I have to fully understand His purpose to have peace?  No.  I can have peace today knowing that He has everything under control.
There are still things that I'd love to do, places to go, people to meet and things to share.  I just need to remember that His timing is perfect and there is a purpose for it.  There is a purpose for Him keeping me where I am.  I just need to trust in Him. 

Trust and obey.  "Thrust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey."   For the whole hymn click here

In His Faithful & Perfect Timing,


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