A prince or servant of the King?

"Someday my prince will come."

I can't begin to tell you how many times I have heard this phrase over the years, and how many teens and tweens would be wearing it on their t-shirts.  I'll admit it, I wanted one of those tees in the worst way.  Most girls I talked with (when we were talking about future husbands) said that they wanted their Prince Charming and that they wanted to be Cinderella.  As I've grown up I've realized how grateful I am that God made me different.  Not better - for I am a sinner just like everyone else - just different in the things that I wanted out of life.   

"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23 (Underlines added by me)
"As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one" Romans 3:10 


while most girls I knew wanted to marry Cinderella's Prince Charming...  

I'll admit, he is a cutie!

...I wanted to marry him:

Please don't laugh because I really did want to marry the Grand Duke.

I know, I know.  Why on earth would anyone want to marry the Grand Duke?  My family still jokes about it with me even after all these years. :p  I was just so crazy about this guy!  Thinking back on it now I am not 100% sure as to why I liked him better than Prince Charming; I just did. 

So then this question came to my mind(not as a young girl, mind you, but as a young lady): is it good to have high standards or high, unrealistic expectations of who I may someday marry?  
I'll never forget reading Joshua Harris' book "Boy Meets Girl: Say Hello to Courtship". In it he suggests that women should set their standards TOO high, to NEVER sacrifice them or lower them for the sake of a man they may fancy.  Wise words, no?  I've never forgotten them. 
I find that while it is wise to keep my standards high, I also think it can be very dangerous to have ridiculously high expectations when it comes to looking (maybe "looking" isn't the right word) for a husband.  I know that I am not married, nor in a relationship so I can't really give any advice - not that this is really advice, just my way of venting on some things - but I do feel like as women of God we must talk about these things.  Who knows who may be encouraged by what they read? 

One of the many things God has been teaching me is this:
He gives us what we need, not necessarily what we want.  My life-dream became His will for my life when I surrendered my wants, desires, hopes and dreams to Him. The honest truth is that His will for my life mightn't include a prince, and that right there ladies, can be very hard to accept because I think deep down we all want a prince. 

The prince was cute, sweet and OH so nice; but the grand duke was a servant to his King.  That's what I desire now more than before - someone who is a servant to his Lord and King. 
Remember, not a servant who will serve you, but one who will serve His King...although if your husband brings you roses and chocolates everyday that's not a bad thing! *winks*

One book that I highly recommend reading is Elisabeth Elliot's "Let Me Be A Woman".  In this book she talks about true femininity and what we ladies were created for: to be wives and mothers and how until we accept this, we shan't be truly happy or satisfied.  Please, if you can buy it and read it.  It is one of my all-time favorites!

Blessings in His Holy Name,

{This post is about my personal beliefs. Please know that I do not intend to impose them onto anyone.  I am simply just sharing.}


  1. Thank you, Sarah! Excellent, excellent post... A godly man isn't going to be perfect, but we never want to settle for anything less than a strong and humble man who strives to serve his King heart and soul.

    1. You are more than welcome, Heidi. :-) I am so blessed to know that my little post encouraged another lady of the Lord.
      And you are right, a godly man shan't be perfect; for in the end we all marry sinners. A friend of Elisabeth Elliot once said "Well, dear, we're none of us prize packages. Just look for the essentials and skip the rest!" And one of those essentials is servant-hood.


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