
Okay, I would like others thoughts on these two blog postings that I've come across through social media.

This is one.

And this one.

I've read through both and I know how I feel about them, but I want to know what y'all think.  What are your thoughts?  What do you think?  You don't have to leave a comment, you can email me your thoughts if you want.

Blessings in His Holy Name,


  1. Thank you for posting those links; I've been pondering upon 'he who finds a wife...' and the two articles you referenced follow along well.

    I don't think setting an age (as one article did as its title) is accurate; it really is more about the mind set of our culture, and sadly even the church.

    God didn't say, find an education, career, house, retirement fund, etc. etc. then add the wife. One of the writers aptly stated marriage IS the cornerstone, not the capstone.

    Waiting to marry - whether from lack of maturity, opportunity, wrong thinking, etc. may hindrance as people age.

    As an older single woman, I've experienced how men my age, having 'obtained' the education, job, etc., etc. are now looking for a woman young enough to still bear children. This poses a problem for both genders. Men who are 40 and above don't find as many readily available 25 year old women.

    Women (and they can be guilty of buying the lie about 'get this..." as well) may find the available 'pool' of men shrinking faster than an ice cube on a hot sidewalk! Not to mention if they'd like to bear biological children the clock is ticking and becomes louder with each passing year.

    I sometimes wonder if both genders have unreasonable expectations about what a future spouse must be, look like, financial ability, etc.? Coupled with the Peter Pan syndrome prevalent within our society.

    Then we have men who are inactive in pursuing, as my granny used to say, fish or cut bait. Expecting the other person to be a 100% match isn't realistic. Men need to step up to the plate and be bold pursuers.

    I'm continuing to pray for those who are single and desiring marriage, for peace in the process, guidance, wisdom and most definitely accountability! The number of available, eligible marriage partners who are saved, born again, true Christians appears to be an ever shrinking pool.

    Above all (and I didn't mean this to be such a lengthy response), we are to trust God whether we're single or married, or wanting to be married. Regardless of our age, He is in control. He is not withholding any good thing from His children. Whatever His desire for each child, it will be accomplished and we will be refined in the process.

    Blessings dear one! You are an encouragement as you seek to keep your eyes upon Him!

    1. Thank you for such an encouraging, and convicting comment. :-) Praise the Lord for being in control and knowing all that is to come; for never leaving us OR forsaking us! I firmly believe that His timing is perfect in everything and that if it is His will for me to marry, then He will "make it happen." :-)

      We shall have to "discus" this more on Sunday. :-)


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