The Sunflower Bloffer Award

Thank you, Heidi P. for tagging me in this sweet award!  I've never been awarded anything so this should be fun. :-)  Here goes...


1. Share 11 facts about yourself.

2. Answer the questions set by your Nomination Blogger.

3. Nominate 11 bloggers -
 not sure I know 11 other bloggers who will participate; I think I only know of two who
might. :-/ 

4. Set questions for the nominated bloggers.

My random 11:
1 - I like hats but never wear them
2 - I'm not a fan of wearing necklacess, though I own a lot of them
3 - Summer and fall are my favorite seasons
4 - I love the smell of freshly cut grass
5 - I don't like being in water but I love the sound of it - rivers and streams are my favorites
6 - I've been crocheting since I was 7
7 - Wacky Cake is one of my favorite cakes (even though I can't eat it) - you can get the recipe here
8 - I am training for my second 5k - you can read about it in my 2012 year review here
9 - I was blessed with the opportunity to meet of the Newsboys
10 - Though I don't believe in luck, my "lucky" number is 3
11 - There's nothing like a good sweet potato fry!

Do you have a favorite fairy-tale? If so: what is it and why?
"The Twelve Dancing Princess" has been a favorite ever since I was little.  There was just something about their shoes, gowns, and the that they danced all night; there was just something magical about it that I wanted to be a part of.  

What are your thoughts on coffee? Tea?
Because of my (very) restricted diet, I cannot enjoy one of my favorite drinks: a decaf frozen mocha latte` with extra whipped cream...*sighs*.  However, I've always enjoyed tea.  It has become one of my small pleasures in life.  There is just something about it that warms my soul.

Is there a good movie you've watched multiple times in the past year?
I've seen quite a lot of movies during my lifetime but not one this past year that I've watched multiple times. However, Miss Potter is one that my sister got for her birthday and it's been on my favorite list ever since then.

What was/is your favorite children’s picture book?
Though they are not really "picture books", I absolutely adore the Little House on the Prairie books.  My Mama read them to us all the time!

If you were given the opportunity, would you rather travel to Hawaii or Australia? Why?
I'm not really a beach person and both of these are islands...
I really like the accent of the Asuies, but I do not like all the bugs, snakes, and creepy crawlers that Australia contains.  I think in the end I would go to Hawaii only because it's closer.  I know, that might sound fearful, but it's what I'd want.  Plus, I'd love to see the places where they filmed "Lost".  Oh, and I LOVE pineapple!  So there. There are my reasons for picking Hawaii! Ha! 

What is a particular, specific way God has blessed you in the last week?
Rest!  He has blessed with sleeping in a few days to catch up on my..well..sleeping.  With this time change it has been reeking havoc on my body - and this years seems worse than last year.  

I nominate 4 bloggers:
Jemi at her blog Jemi's Journeys
Jessie at her blog So Much More Than They've Got Planned
Kalin at her blog Modesty Is My Policy
Miss Dashwood at Yet Another Period Drama Blog

I've been enjoying all your blogs and am looking forward to hearing your answers! Here are your questions:

1. Do you have a favorite childhood memory that you are willing to share?
2. What are your top 3 favorite foods?
3. Would you rather sit and read an old book or watch an old, classic movie? Why or why not?
4. Favorite animal?
5. Share one of your hobbies that you love:
6. Is there a song that has helped you in your walk with God? (If none, then share a favorite song of yours)

Thank you for visiting!


  1. I enjoyed your answers, Sarah! And yay for pineapple! ;-) That is a gorgeous sunset picture. :-) Miss Potter is one of those "stick-with-you" movies, isn't it? It's so sweet and soooo sad... I guess bitter-sweet would about sum it up, because it does end happily. Also, I was smiling about the rivers and streams part - as I just came in from standing down by our creek watching the sun catching on the water. :-)

    1. I am glad that you enjoyed my answers, for I enjoyed putting them onto "paper". ;-) Isn't that picture pretty? I found it on Google. I think one can find anything on Google! :-p
      Miss Potter is such a sweet film! And yes, it is bitter-sweet; but I think it's that way because it tells the story of a real-life person, and sometimes real-life doesn't always turn out the way we want it to.
      I do love to see the sun shining on the water...*happy sighs*.

    2. I quite agree about Miss Potter... And for some reason, bitter-sweet stories often seem to have greater sticking power because they're bitter-sweet. Not always, but sometimes it seems to make them "larger than life", in essence...or maybe it's just because they're showing the tougher side of life. I don't know. :-)

  2. Very true. With Miss Potter's story I am reminded of a quote from the movie Ever After:
    "And though Cinderella and her prince did lived happily ever after....the point is, gentlemen, they lived."
    And they did really live. They were real.


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