Short but oh, so sweet

This past weekend I ran my 2nd 5k with two of my sisters.  What a blessing it was - and might I add that it was a lot of fun?  It was hard work but a good, hard work.  Two of my sisters ran together and I took off on my own - seeing as how I have a much larger stride than they do.  I didn't have my iPod to time myself or take any pictures along the way; all I wanted to do was run.  Clear my head.  And that's just what I did.   It felt so good!  Running has always been that way for me: hard, but a very good way to clear my head and spend time with the Maker of World.  It's a great way to draw ever closer to Him. :-)

If that isn't enough fun for one weekend, my sisters and I watched - for the first time - Frozen and The Hunger Games.  
As for The Hunger Games, our library had both the entire book series and the first movie. My sister and I were at the library for a reason I can't seem to remember; I didn't think that I'd walk out of that place with the book, and read it within a few days....but I did and I actually liked it.  :-/  The movie (which we went back to get after a few days) wasn't half as good as the book, but I thought it was still a good film.  It would have been better if Hollywood had made Katniss narrate throughout the movie...

Now about Frozen.  "Let it go!"  That song keeps coming up - like ALL over the place!! However, that's not my favorite song; it's a toss-up between "Do you wanna build a snowman?" and "Love is an open door".  I absolutely LOVED this movie!  It was so very cute as well as sweet!  :-)  It has definitely become a favorite of ours. :-) 

Here are few pictures of this past weekend.

Talk about a nice view!

Funny thing, I'm not a big fan of the beach but this seemed to just speak to my soul and give my heart rest... :-)
We three rocking our Katniss Everdeen braids (we did ours in the style of the book, not the movie). 

We kinda love our New Balance running shoes. 

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I pray that each of you has a blessed week!  

In His Ever Loving Arms,


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