His GEMS - Anna

So it's the last post in His GEMS series!  I've really been enjoying these postings, as I hope y'all have as well.  It HAS been TOO long since I last posted...sorry about that.  I kind of went through this faze of not posting - I'm sure you could tell! 

If you want to go back and read my other postings, please click here.

By now you know that I am posting the meaning of my sister's names, so here it goes.

Anna - gracious, merciful 

So many people have commented on how well my parents named their children, and I have to say that they did do very well.  I love old-fashioned names, biblical names, and sometimes really different names.  However, I don't think I could name my child North.  
While none of us have different or even odd names,  we do have old-fashioned/biblical names that I love and adore. :-)

I have to say that I've really enjoyed putting these together. If any of you have sisters, or even brothers this would be a fun project to do with them. Or, even with a group of friends from church. 

Question #1: Tell me a little bit about yourself!
My name is Anna and I'm seventeen years old.  I'm a child of the most high God and I am one of nine.  There are four boys and five girls in our family:)  I love a good adventure now and then, and I have been making jewelry for a few years and I have recently made a blog about my jewelry (click here) - it's a little outdated, I know!  I also love to read books and love to shoot my bow and arrow that my brothers rebuilt for me.  We have ducks, turkeys, chickens, and guineas that are really loud but I love our small farm that God blessed us with.  I love the colors red, light and dark green, and light yellow.  I also love to do push-ups and chin-ups (if I can) and sit-ups. It's been fun sharing all my likes but I haven't told you my dislikes...I hate spiders and any kind of bug that can bite you and. . . and that's all I can think of:)     

Question #2: What is your favorite hymn to sing?
How Great is our God. Our God really is great and powerful; we should worship and praise Him forever.

Question #3: What are you most thankful for?
I'm most thankful for our Lord Jesus Christ. :)

Question #4: Do you like to be creative? If so, what do you like to make?
I love to be creative! I like to make up my own ideas.  For example, if I see a picture of something that says to do it one way, I try another way to figure it out, though most times it doesn't work that way!

Question #5: What is one of your favorite stories in the Bible?
My favorite story in the Bible is Job. In Chapters one through two, all this stuff keeps happening to Job but he still worships God. 
Job 2:9-10 - "Then said his wife unto him, Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and dieBut he said unto her, "Thou speakest as one of the foolish women speaketh. What? shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil?" In all this did not Job sin with his lips."

Question #6: Besides the Bible, what are your two favorite books?
 Besides the Bible, my favorite book would have to be The Shack by William P Young.  It was well written and the meaning that's behind it is just amazing: there is a lot of pain and heartache but that doesn't mean we can't just stop loving or trusting God.  This should show us to leave our sinful ways behind us and run to God's opened arms of love. ----Anna, I absolutely LOVE this answer!

Question #7: If you could go to any place in the world, where would you go and what would you do there?
If I could go to any place in the world it would have to be Israel. I would love to walk the path of Jesus; it would be one emotional walk, but that's what I would do there.

Question #8: Open meadow or dark forest? Why?
I'm going to tell you what I think, so just bare with me... dark forest because to me it's like our hearts, we're so full of darkness that we can't even see it but with God He'll turn that forest into a meadow, so for me it's the meadow.

Ciao for now,


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