"...leavin' on a jet-plain..."

Okay, not really.  I just woke up with that song in my head and thought that it would make a good heading.
I'm not even sure what the actual name of that song it...anybody?

I know things here have been kind of slow/dry on this blog lately.  This summer has been busy and yet it hasn't.  You know how that is.  I'm just trying (like everyone else) to enjoy these special moments with my family and friends before things change - don't worry, they are good changes. :-)

A dear friend of mine is going to be a mother this year and I couldn't be more excited for her and her husband. :-)

This was us at her bridal shower last year.
I think this was either January or February.

And....my brother is getting married!!  Yes, that's right.  A wedding is coming up in our family and we are beyond excited!  I will of course be updating you guys with the happy details. :-)

This is my brother, Timothy, at a friends wedding in 2012.
It was western themed - which his wedding will be as well. :-)

So, if things seem like they are a little dry, it's because we are busy getting ready for a boot-scootin' wedding!

In His Ever Faithful Hands,


  1. Congratulations to your brother and his fiancée! Are you planning to share any pictures afterwards? :-)

    1. Thank you, Heidi. :-) I know that my brother and future sister in-law are really excited! And yes, I do plan on sharing wedding pictures. :-)


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