A memory {tree roots = horse carriage}

One thing my parents encouraged when their children were young was to use their imaginations.
And we did.  My sister and I remember countless times when we played outside (back when children still did that!) with just ourselves, our dolls and SO much more.

Here is one story about just an ordinary tree root. (I do not have any pictures to go along with these memories.  Someday I am hoping to go back to that place and capture my childhood before it goes away with the wind...)

If you were going out of our house and walking down the driveway, about 3/4 of the way down on the left, there was this tree that grew out of the ground on a chunk of earth that was raised above the driveway.  This tree had a root that grew almost straight out; it was curved, like a step.  My sister and I used this as our step into our horse-drawn carriage - we wanted SO badly to own a horse!  But because we didn't, we used our imagination and it became something wonderful.  We became the princesses and this was our ride, taking us to our princes who were waiting patiently for us at a majestic Castle, that of course, was made up as well.

We really did think big...

If you were to walk up onto this chuck of earth, settled in the back between two "mountains" (they really were two large piles of dirt that had been taken over by moss...well, thinking about it now, maybe they weren't dirt, maybe they were small mounds - yes, that's a better word, mounds.)  Well these mounds were on both sides of this little valley and my sister and I used to play in between the spaces almost every day.  These rocks had been taken over by moss - to witch my sister and I imagined was something like green skin.

One of our favorite things to do was to peel the moss off the rocks and breathe in the smell of earth.

Another thing we did that we always enjoyed was that we'd scrape these rocks until they looked almost like little plates (they were very light in weight) and then we'd float them in puddles of water that collected on our driveway.

Breath in the memory before it goes away
Take hold of the moment, do not let it sway
Keep it locked up; safe from decay, don't let it go
Watch over it and let it grow

Do you have a favorite childhood memory that you would like to share?

Blessings In His Holy Name,


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