"...[Join] my heart to fear thy name."

This verse is one of my favorites - can I even say that - that I have a favorite verse in God's Word?  I don't know, but it has been one that hasn't left my lips, and it's just the last part (even though the whole verse is wonderful).

"Teach me thy way, O LORD; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name." Psalm 86:11

"unite my heart"?  

When I first came across this passage the last part of the verse "troubled" me; I didn't know what it meant.

I prayed for understanding of His Word and the words of His servant, David.

The word unite means - 

to join, unite, be joined, be united
(Qal) to be united
(Piel) to unite

Oh!  "To be joined".  Wow. "[join] my heart to fear thy name."  For me, it made the picture clearer.  Sometimes I think that Satan uses even easy-to-understand-words to make us stumble.  Have you ever had that?  Just a thought.

This has been kind of a random post...but that's okay.  Maybe God will use it to bless someone's life.

I wanted to share some quotes from one of my all-time favorite preachers, Charles H. Spurgeon (you can read this post I did back in May where I mentioned him).

"Those who DIVE IN THE SEA OF AFFLICTION, bring up rare pearls."  ~ C. Spurgeon

"A Bible that's falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn't." ~ C. Spurgeon

"Blessed be any wind that blows us into the port of our Saviour's love! Happy wounds which make us seek the beloved Physician." ~ C. Spurgeon

"I have learned to kiss the wave that throws me against the Rock of Ages." ~ C. Spurgeon

If you want to learn more about this man, visit his page.  I encourage you to read through his sermons with an open heart and mind.  There are times when I come away from reading one of his sermons sweating - that's how deeply he's had me thinking/pondering and questioning - which is a good thing.  

One thing my parents always encouraged me (all their children in fact) to do was to ask questions; that it was okay to ask questions.  Even if you are listening to a well-known preacher or a well known speaker, it's always a good thing to ask questions and then take those questions to God and His Word.

Again random, but just posting what's on my mind. :-)



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